
Guidance is an area where students can receive assistance with educational planning, career goals, personal counselling, or referrals to outside agencies.  Guidance counsellors are teachers with additional expertise in the area of Guidance and Career Education and are trained to help students make informed decisions about their future.

 Guidance News
  • Grade 9 or 10 Technology Credit: Beginning with the cohort of students who enter Grade 9 in the 2024-2025 school year, all student must earn one grade 9 or 10 technology credit as part of the graduation requirement for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
  • Online Learning Credits: Beginning with the cohort of students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-2021 school year, all students must earn a minimum of two online learning credits as part of the graduation requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma unless they have been opted-out or exempted.  Families wishing to opt-out of the mandatory online courses required for graduation must complete and return the “Opt-Out Form" to the Sinclair Guidance Office.
Guidance Team


N. Taylor


J. Barsky (Grade 12 Counsellor)
N. Dolabaille (Grade 10 Counsellor)
N. Taylor (Grade 11 Counsellor)
M. Thomas (Grade 9 Counsellor)


S. Murray Ext. 242020

Guidance Appointments

Students can book an appointment with their Guidance Counsellor using the link posted in their Guidance Google classroom.  They must be logged in through their DDSB account to access the booking page. The Bookings software will send students an email which they will show their classroom teacher to allow them to exit their class and attend their appointment.

Guidance Counsellors are available for students to help with Career Planning, Wellness and Mental Health Support, plus access to other supports. 


Note:  Caregivers who would like to join their student for a caregiver/student meeting are encouraged to have their student book the appointment.  This allows students to coordinate an appropriate time in their schedule for the meeting.

Student Registration

To attend Sinclair S.S. you must live within the boundaries of Sinclair as set by the DDSB.

Please first verify that you reside inside our boundaries by using the DDSB School Locator.

1. Possible registration dates are set by administration and you will be provided with possible options.  All documentation must be received prior to the appointment being set.

2. Please choose the applicable documentation checklist below depending on the scenario;

  • If you are transferring a student within DDSB please see the attached checklist and ensure that all documentation is remitted to student services. Once the file is reviewed  you will be contacted to set up a registration appointment.
    Checklist for Registrants from within DDSB
    Immunization Form


3.  Email (guidance secretary) to schedule an appointment to submit and review documents.

4.  Families will be contacted regarding a potential registration appointment once all the documentation listed on the checklist has been submitted and reviewed by an administrator.  A Parent/Guardian must be present with the student once the registration appointment is secured.

 If any questions or new to Canada, please email (guidance secretary)

Ordering Student Transcripts

The Ontario Student Transcript (OST) is an official record of a student’s academic achievement at the secondary school level in the Province of Ontario. Transcripts are required for post-secondary institutions and may be required for many other reasons.  The last Ontario High School you attended is responsible for holding students transcripts and all secondary schools keep student transcripts for 55 years. 

Requesting an OST?
Email in the Guidance Department of Sinclair to request a transcript.   Once a request is submitted, a link will be provided to pay for the transcript.  
If you moved to another Ontario School after Graduating from Sinclair then you will need to contact your most recent school as your OSR and OST will be held by that school.

School Closed for Vacation?

During the second week of July through to the end of the third week of August when secondary schools are closed, an online transcript request form is available to you.  Please complete this form and your request will be fulfilled by staff at the Education Centre.

Please note: this service is only available during the week of March break and the months of July and August.

Graduation Requirements

Students looking to graduate high school in the Durham District School Board by earning an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD), an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC) or a Certificate of Accomplishment (COA) can see below the specific requirements for their chosen pathway. 


If you started Grade 9 in Fall 2024 or later:


If you started grade 9 in or before Fall 2023:

Students are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of mandatory Community Involvement prior to graduation.  More information can be found under the Community Involvement Hours section of our website.

  • An indication of completion will be entered on the student’s Ontario Student Transcript when the 40 hours have been submitted.
  • Guidance staff will discuss appropriate types of Community Involvement activities and projects with students and may offer suggestions, but the selection and management of the involvement is to be directed by the student.
  • The DDSB publishes a list of “approved” and “non-approved” activities; students must receive pre-approval for volunteer activities from their Guidance Counsellor or Vice-Principal.
  • Activities may take place inside or outside the school day. If inside, activities may not be part of a credit program or while students are expected to be in scheduled class.
  • The student may not displace a worker who would normally have been paid to perform the same function or receive pay.
  • Community Involvement may begin in the summer after Grade 8.

If you're unsure what you want to do for your community hours, check out Volunteer Durham and Youth Opportunities Ontario.

 OSSD - Literacy Requirement
Students must write the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) in Grade 10, which is created and marked by the Ministry of Education. Students who write the OSSLT and who have been unsuccessful at least once are eligible to take the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OLC).
 OSSD - Online Learning Graduation Requirement 

Online Learning Credits

Beginning with the cohort of students who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-2021 school year, all students must earn a minimum of two online learning credits as part of the graduation requirements for an Ontario Secondary School Diploma unless they have been opted-out or exempted.  

Families wishing to opt-out of the mandatory online courses required for graduation must complete and return theOpt-Out Form” to the Guidance office.


Exemption: Remote Learning Credit Earned in 2020-2021

The ministry recognizes the extraordinary circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As a result, up to one secondary school credit completed by Grade 9 students in the 2020-2021 school year during the province-wide school closures (from April 2021 to June 2021) may be counted towards the graduation requirement. 

Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC)

The Ontario Secondary School Certificate will be granted on request to students who leave school before earning the Ontario Secondary School Diploma provided they have earned a minimum of 14 credits distributed as follows:
Compulsory credits (total of 7)
2 credits in English
1 credit in Mathematics
1 credit in Science
1 credit in Canadian Geography or Canadian History
1 credit in Health and Physical Education
1 credit in the Arts, Computer Studies or Technological Education
Optional credits (total of 7)
7 credits selected by the student from available courses

 Certificate of Accomplishment (COA)

Students who leave school upon reaching the age of 18 without having met the requirements for the OSSD or OSSC may be granted a Certificate of Accomplishment. This certificate is a useful means of recognizing achievement for students who plan to continue certain kinds of training or find employment.

A student may return to school and take additional credit and non-credit courses and have their transcript (OST) updated. A new certificate will not be awarded, but an OSSD or OSSC will be granted when the returning student has fulfilled the requirements. 

Course Selection 

Course selection dates for Secondary School Students:

February 11 at 10:00am- Course Selection AND Summer School OPENS in myBlueprint


February 21 at 3:30pm- Course Selection CLOSES and Special Applications are due. 


 Course Selection Presentations

Course selection presentations will take place Wednesday, February 5.


 myBlueprint Information

myBlueprint DDSB Login

myBlueprint Sinclair Course List

Ontario Post-Secondary Information

In Ontario, the Colleges (OCAS) and Universities (OUAC) have joined together to provide students with a program portal of databases to research post-secondary requirements.  They also have application portals when applying for Ontario Colleges or Universities.     

Ontario College Information & Application Service (All in One)
Ontario University Program Requirements Database
Ontario University Application Service

Special Course Applications

Cooperative Education  (GLC2O9/CWE4O9) **DDSB Account Login Required

Outdoor Pursuits (PAD3OD/CGD3M1) **DDSB Account Login Required

SHSM Applications consist of more than one part.  Please make sure you complete all of the items listed beside your selected SHSM.
- SHSM - Business (AIME) SHSM Application & Cooperative Education Application 
- SHSM - Environment 4 Life SHSM ApplicationCooperative Education Application & Outdoor Pursuits Application (Google Forms)
- SHSM - Health & Wellness  SHSM Application & Cooperative Education Application (Google Form)
- SHSM - Sport  SHSM Application & Cooperative Education Application (Google Form)
- SHSM - Transportation SHSM Application Cooperative Education Application (Google Form)


 Course Information Videos

Course Information Videos


Night School & Summer School

Night and Summer school are offered through Durham Continuing Education (DCE).  Full information regarding these courses can be found on their website,


Students sign-up for these courses through their DDSB myBlueprint account using the Continuing Education tab. 

Once courses have been submitted/requested, students must visit their Guidance counsellor and receive approval.  Counsellor approval is what completes the registration.  Students who delay receiving Counsellor Approval may lose there seat due to not completing the registration.   


Grade 8 to Grade 9

Sinclair's Family of Schools (FOS) Includes:
Fallingbrook PS, Glen Dhu PS, John Dryden PS, Ormiston PS, Robert Munsch PS, Sir Samuel Steele PS, Williamsburg, and Willows Walk PS


Important Dates for 2025-2026 Transitions:
  • Sinclair Family of Schools Visits - December 2024


  • Sinclair Parent/Guardian Information Night - Thursday, February 6, 2025 6:00-8:00 PM Cafetorium 
  • Grade 8 Parent Night Slideshow 
  • ** Students from out of Board or DDSB students not in Sinclair's FOS who are looking to attend Sinclair should attend this Presentation to gain registration information.

Sinclair Information Night Flyer

Grade 8 Course Selection website


  • Course Selection Presentations at Elementary Schools - beginning mid-February 2025


  • Grade 8 to 9 Course Selection Dates:  February 11-February 27 4:00 PM -course selection closes (parent permission should also be submitted by this time)


  • Sinclair FOS Spring Visits: May 2025

  • Grade 9 Day - September 2, 2025


Course Selection Resources
 Parent/Guardian Resources

Teens Can be High School!  
A Parent's Guide: A resource from the Durham Region Health Department to promote mental health in teens.